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a wad of chewed gum
a wad of chewed gum

The Bubblegum Forgeries, vol. 3

Entirely unoriginal pop ditties fed like meat through an organ grinder, synthefied and presented in small batches, Volumes 1-4.
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The Bubblegum Forgeries, vol. 3 (2016)

Announcing The Bubblegum Forgeries, Volumes 1-4

Several years ago I was approached by a label with the idea of doing a "modular synth tribute to Lenny Dee". I'm a huge fan of the pop-organ records of Lenny Dee, so this sounded like a fantastic idea to me and I got set on gathering a bunch of tunes that Lenny himself covered at one time, and setting them to my synthesizers to eat up and belch out. Well, maybe I took too long to get busy, or finances provided obstacles, but the label eventually lost interest in the idea. Meanwhile, I've pressed forward and continued to work on the project (once titled "HI-DEE-FUCKING-HO"), and the choice of tunes and aesthetic began to expand somewhat beyond the Lenny Dee pallet. I've decided to release these in small batches of tape singles, 10 minutes each, 4 volumes across the summer months of 2016. The Bubblegum Forgeries volume 1 will be available on June 1, with volumes 2-4 releasing throughout the summer into September with SURPRISE SPECIAL GUESTS. While no longer an overt tribute to Lenny Dee, The Bubblegum Forgeries still steeps in his ever-charming poptastic crackled spirit, and well, you might recognize a favorite tune or two of his.
