"San Francisco's Bran (...) Pos can make electronics sputter and wheeze, but his Coin-Op Khepri CD (C.I. P.) showed that he also has a song in his heart (and it sounds like an outtake from the Subterranean Modern comp)." -- Chris Sienko, Gapers Block, June 2011
"It's a wonderful, spazzed out (but carefully planned and meticulously executed) mix of disparate elements, including delightfully cheesy EZ listening drum machines with disembodied sci-fi vocals ("1-Armed Yank With Sekhem Em"), riotous Mr Bungle oompah polka ("Inseguimento Degli Spiriti") and, on the album's masterpiece, "Nephthys' Nightboat", an extraordinary journey from the rainforest to the groaning timbers (and timbres) of the aforementioned goddess of death's ship." -- Dan Warburton, Paris Transatlantic, Autumn 2008
released January 15, 2008
"biding time for payday as we angle all our eyes unto the sun..."
Coin-Op Khepri was originally released in 2008 on C.I.P. in a standard CD jewel-case edition of 500, alongside a limited edition of 50 packaged inside a custom silk-screened gambler's pouch, buttons, poker chips, playing cards, hand-numbered vellum certificate, and Egyptian coin.
Cover art by Canner Mefe
To: Jerm, Nita, Harold, Ginger, Pa
Purchase the official CD release of COIN-OP KHEPRI. Plays in CD players and some computers. GOOD FOR PLAYING IN YOUR CAR WHILE DRIVING! Includes a link to download the digital album.